Thursday, 18 June 2009

Orchid in HOCP

We went for a walk round Harrold & Odell Country Park (one of our regular haunts) and a couple comming the other way said to us there was a wild orchid growing, they told us whereabouts it was I have to say I was intrigues as I have NEVER seen a wild orchid growing in the UK so we went to the spot and there, tucked in the long grass was this very small specimin, I dont have a clue how they noticed it, its really not anywhere special and its so small and insignificant, but they did see it and they mentioned it to us so we had the privelege of seeing it as well, sadly I didnt have my real camera with me so had to make do with taking a picture of it on my phone but at least I am able to share it with everyoen who looks at my blog.
I might try bringing the real camera with me next time and seeing if I can get some better pictures of it, as long as it remains intact, wonder whether there are others, there most be I cant see how jsut 1 little orchid could suddenly apear there without there being others around.

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