Thursday, 18 June 2009

Macro Photography

I have always enjoyed photography and having got a decent camera for my 40th Birthday (20 Monhts ago!!) I have got into the habit of never bringing it with me as it is a bit bulky so keep missing out on photographic opportunities.
I have realised that photographic opportunities dont jsut turn up you find them in every day things, anyhow whilst out earlier I captured the wild Orchid featured in my previous picture, on my phone's camera, we the had lunch at the cafe and I was thinking about photo apportunities and the fact that I had missed the opprtunity of getting a realy nice shot because I onyl had the camera from my phone.

I have really wanted to get into some Macro Photography but have just not had the opprtunity and yet this opprotunity arrives and I dont have the camera.

Then I realise that my mobile's camera has a macro photography setting, so thought I woudl at least try and take a picture using it, there was a pot of flowers on the table so I decided to take a picture of a couple of the flowers, I have to say, I am pleasantly surprised at how good a shot it has come up as, I have generally been pretty scathing of the kind of quality of pictures a phone camera can produce, I am not saying that the phone can ever produce the same kind of quality as a real decent camera but I am pleased enough to think that I never have the excuse that I haven't got my camera with me, I now wish I had thought about the macro feature on my phone when we were round near the orchid but hey there we are! We will be back there some time and then I can take a photo of it with the real camera (as long as I remeber to bring it with me)

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